sidroth on September 28th, 2010

SID:  Hello, Sid Roth you investigative reporter to the Supernatural here with Bill Johnson. Bill, can anyone move in the power that you move in? BILL:  Absolutely, absolutely. It was meant for every believer SID:  And one of the things that intrigues me is you have a school, you have put on seminars, and the […]

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sidroth on September 21st, 2010

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Mel Bond. And Mel, the doctors told you and your wife that you only had one chance in 100,000 of a normal child. You had three stillbirths, or three miscarriages and a baby born deformed. And why did you continue trying to have children with that doctor telling you […]

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sidroth on September 13th, 2010

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Mel Bond. And Mel, one of the things you told me is that demons prevent believers from being all that God’s called them to be. MEL: Absolutely. SID: Explain a little more. MEL: Oh I’d love to talk about this for two hours, but we don’t have time. But […]

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sidroth on September 8th, 2010

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest, Mel Bond, has a gift called discernment where he can see evil spirits on people, command the evil spirit to leave, and then they get better. I love that gift. When did this start happening in your life? MEL: That […]

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sidroth on September 2nd, 2010

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Dean Braxton. And Dean, you’re dead, dead, dead for an hour and 45 minutes. You instantly leave your body because you know the Lord and you find yourself in Heaven. Who was the first person you saw in Heaven? DEAN: Well when I first got there I was at […]

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