sidroth on October 29th, 2012

Sid:  The anointing of God, the presence of God is so strong. Why?  Because I have Neil Russell’s brand new book just off the press, “Newton’s Riddle.”  And this is such a now book, I mean get this it involves the world’s first female President for the United States; it involves Israel being pushed by […]

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sidroth on October 22nd, 2012

Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah, my guest is red hot for the Messiah; his name is Steven Brooks.  And Steven likes to have interchanges with angels. Steven I actually there is a Bible college in Romania that uses your book as a text book to teach about angels.  […]

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sidroth on October 17th, 2012

Sid:  My guest Steven Brooks is red hot for the Messiah. You’ll find out in a moment why because he’s located at a place that I’ve been to many times called Moravian Falls North Carolina.  His name is Steven Brooks and Steven for our friends that aren’t familiar with Moravian Falls, North Carolina why is […]

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sidroth on October 10th, 2012

Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah, that’s an understatement for my guest Deborah Shambora.  I’m speaking to her at her home in Gilbert, Arizona it’s a city right outside of Phoenix.  And Deborah was involved in a freak accident, it was a horrible accident, a horse trampled on her […]

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sidroth on October 3rd, 2012

Sid:  Haven’t you felt that there’s something missing? Well I believe there’s a spiritual DNA in Jewish people and a spiritual DNA in Gentile Christians.  And it’s just like there’s a different calling for males and for females, but you need both to have a good marriage.  Well, you need the Jewish anointing and the […]

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