SID: You were given supernaturally certain keys. Tell us a few of them, how you even got them.

JERAME: Several years ago, I had an angelic visitation, and I was given a set of keys. As I got those keys, one of them was a key that said Isaiah 22:22 on it. As I began to look at that in the word, I discovered that through intimacy with Jesus, we could hear God’s voice and we could see the heavens open and the manifestation of his glory come to the earth.

What’s interesting is that if you look at Revelation 3:7, the glorified Jesus has the key of David in his hands. If we want to see keys that’ll open up and shut, then we need to go to Jesus and out of that place of intimacy, when he speaks, we’ll see the manifestation happen.

SID: You made the point earlier, it’s for everyone.

JERAME: It’s for everyone.

SID: It’s not just you.

JERAME: That’s right.

SID: It’s for you. It’s for everyone. You have been in a move of a portal of God, a revival for five years.

JERAME: Yes, sir. Over 150 nations have come out. I mean, people have visited from all over the United States. Every state in America has been represented and we’ve seen thousands of miracles. We’ve even seen in our healing campaigns, since that time, traveling around, over a half a million decisions for Christ. Every miracle you could think of has happened. It’s been amazing.

SID: You actually, you go even further. He says every one of us that is a believer in the Messiah has a right to live under an open heaven.

JERAME: That’s right. Yeah. John chapter one, when Jesus encounters Nathanael, it’s very interesting. Phillip introduces Nathanael to Jesus, and when Jesus sees him, he says, “There’s an Israelite without guile.” He says, “I saw you when you’re under the fig tree,” to Nathanael. Nathanael says, “Wow, you really are the Messiah.” Jesus says to Nathaniel, “You believe I’m the Messiah just because I gave you one word of knowledge?” He said, “Just wait, hereafter you’re going to see the heavens open and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the son of man.” Really what I believe he was saying is, “You think that’s impressive, Nathanael, wait till I die on the cross and I raise again from the dead and I make my home in your heart and in believer’s hearts, and the angels of God ascend and descend upon every person.”

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