sidroth on December 25th, 2021

ALISS: If you need healing right now just receive it! Just put your hand on the part of your body that needs healing. So if it’s an embarrassing place put your hand on your head. Or if you’ve got lots of things wrong with you, put your hand on your head. Maybe that was easier. […]

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sidroth on December 15th, 2021

EDDIE:  Your weapon is praise for the rest of your days. Stomp on the devil lift Jesus’ name. He’s Alpha! Alpha! Omega! Omega! Jehovah! Jehovah! Messiah! Messiah! Healer! Healer. The Deliverer. Deliverer. My victory! My victory! From the enemy. From the enemy! Somebody clap! Somebody shout! Somebody release your praise. Use your praise as a […]

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sidroth on December 5th, 2021

SHAWN: Is there a, is there a June” Are you June” Hi June. All of a sudden I see, do you look familiar to me. Have we ever met each other” No” Are you from Vermont” JUNE: Yes. SHAWN: Okay, maybe that’s why because my wife’s from Vermont and I saw her face and I […]

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