CLARICE: I was overtaken with boldness. And the righteous are as bold as a lion and those that know God do exploit. So anyway, I stood up and I said, “I cannot see that the great state of Florida would be benefitted by keeping her. Sunday is Mother’s Day; I’ve come to get her.” And he just looked, took the gavel, hit it and he says, “Cut her loose.”

KYLE: And he released her to you?

CLARICE: To me. I took her home and we cried; we talked. She kissed the ground. She said, “Momma, I haven’t seen a tree. I’ve been locked up so long.” Da-da-da-da-da. We go home. I said, “This is it. This is an answer to prayer.” I mean it just—I mean, it was an amazing thing.

KYLE: But it wasn’t yet?

CLARICE: It was not. I was preparing breakfast for her and I went into her room and she was gone. My credit card was gone.

KYLE: How long later?

CLARICE: She was there two days.

KYLE: Two days after your bold declaration, the judge releases her—

CLARICE: Yeah, yeah.

KYLE: It looks like you had victory.

CLARICE: It just looks like sometimes those that overcome will be made to be a pillar in the house of God. And a pillar has to sustain the roof of glory. Glory is the manifestation of Jesus, plainly seen. So here we are and I looked and I realized at this time, “This isn’t about me, this is about her.” You know when you think, “How can you do this to me?”

KYLE: Yeah, why me God?

CLARICE: Why me, why me. I mean, I’m a child of God and Your Word says just believe and speak the Word. And He says, “My timing is perfectly perfect and surely sure. And she left and we had many more years of going through—I would here from her from time to time. She had two children. That’s a whole other story. And then she takes an overdose of heroin, she dies; she’s forty-five minutes that they say she’s brain-dead.

KYLE: She dies from an overdose of heroin?

CLARICE: –from an overdose of heroin. And she’s brought in, they say she’s on life support, da-da-da-da-da, all of this. She wakes up. She ends up going back to jail. I think she stole a pound of butter and they caught her for it. And because she had a record—

KYLE: With all of the history, sure.

CLARICE: Yeah. And I think her rap sheet was over forty-five pages long. She went before the judge and he said, “You’re the most incorrigible person I think I’ve ever met.” and he said, “Before I sentence you, do you have anything to say?” She says, “Yes sir, I do.” She says, “First thing, half of what I’ve done, you don’t know about. But what you don’t know is I’m descended from an ancient line of warlords and my destiny is perfect in the sight of God. What I do does not matter because of the calling and the election.”

KYLE: She says this to the judge? She got something from her momma.

CLARICE: Oh, she got something from God!

KYLE: Well,there you go! [laughs]

CLARICE: So, she said it and the judge said, “I’m going to try one more time. I’m going to give you one more opportunity.” He put her in a program. She aced it. She came out and she graduated from it. I went to California and she graduated. And the judge got up and he said, “The story of Julianna Fluitt is equal to the story of Lazarus.” He said, “I’ve never seen such a dynamic change.” Well, she got her education. She’s now the head of one of the largest drug rehab centers in the United States.

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