KAREN: And some people might be shocked by that. But I couldnt even stand up on a stage and say my name without breaking out in hives! I lived in such a bondage of fear! Such a bondage of insecurity! It was a prison to me! It was crippling to me until one day, Ill never forget! And my husband was always telling me Gods got a call on your life. Hes got a book inside of you!

LAURA: [laughs]

KAREN: Hes got all these things, these dreams, these visions. And Im thinking there is no way!


KAREN: But I remember one day and I was just praying because I believe that God still speaks today.

LAURA: Uh-huh.

KAREN: I believe that He still shows up!

LAURA: Thats right!

KAREN: He can enter into a room, into a situation, into anything in your life. And I remember crying out one day because I was so insecure. And I looked in the mirror and I heard God speak to me and He said, Karen, you are more than what you have become!

LAURA: Wow!  

KAREN: You are more than what others have said about you!


KAREN: And you are more than what you have settled for!

LAURA: Mmm! Wow!

KAREN: And in that moment I realized all the lies of the enemy that I have listened to for so many years in that moment there was the heavenly Father standing there in that room.

LAURA: [laughing]

KAREN: That He felt that I was worth His time! That He had a purpose for me! And if He can do a work in my life, how could I keep that to myself? How could I hold that just for me? That it wasnt for me. It was because He was saying, Karen, I have saved you! Delivered you! Set you free! Set you on a new path! Given you boldness! Given you courage! Now go out and minister life and healing and freedom to other people, the same thing that Ive given you!

LAURA: And I want to have an opportunity to do just that! There are some people who youve just hooked! So lets do that [music] when we come back! All right?


LAURA: So stay tuned! More with Karen Schatzline as soon as we return on Something More!


LAURA: Hi everybody! Welcome back to Something More! Im Laura Harris Smith and Im sitting here with my new friend, Karen Schatzline.


LAURA: And shes from Remnant Ministries International. And right before the break, Karen, you were talking to us about, which I couldnt believe and Im sure someone else at home could not believe, that you used to be so bound in fear and insecurity that you said you could not even speak –

KAREN: Thats right!

LAURA: On stage without breaking out in hives!


LAURA: And now here you are in front of countless people! So I want you to tell me, I want you to tell the viewer at home a little bit more about how – go deeper how God dealt with you, brought you out. Because theres somebody listening who they think Oh, that was just for Karen.

KAREN: Yeah.

LAURA: He did that just for her. He wanted her to go and speak on television. And you know we cant be crippled and immobile. We have to be able to speak and if we cant speak up for ourselves how are we going to deliver the Word of the Lord to someone?


LAURA: So talk to that person!

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