sidroth on April 27th, 2023

AUDIENCE: Who cares how you get it. TONY: …just as long as you get it. AUDIENCE: Just as long as you get it. TONY: Actually in the original language when Jesus said lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover, the Greek word for recover means that from the moment hands are laid on […]

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sidroth on April 15th, 2023

All right. With science, government and occult societies foreseeing the emergence of new forms of humanity for the immediate future, I believe that we could be witnessing the unfolding of Biblical prophecy. I don’t have time to go through these examples. But the bottom one there is I think this could be a fulfillment of […]

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sidroth on April 6th, 2023

And I have been waiting with baited breath to find out in what way Professor Maxwell Mehlman and his team of law professors had actually used human subjects for establishing tests to genetically modify mankind as a part of the next step in evolution. Well so far no report has been made public. Now a […]

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