When we went into prophetic evangelism, when we focused on prophetic evangelism for a number of years. Went out there almost every day to reach the lost with prophetic words. And I wasn’t very good at it. At first I was a little bit clumsy, you know, but I just focused on it asking Jesus to help empower me. But then all of a sudden the love broke out and it just broke out. I was getting words and dream interpretations and all kinds of things for God’s people because you engage in a realm.

If you want a healing ministry. I have friends that have a passion to see sick people healed. And so they focus on that aspect day and night. They’re reading books about healing. They are, they are, you know, uh, uh, quoting scriptures about healing. They’re singing healing songs. They’re reading testimonies about healing. They’re reviewing things. They’re praying for healing. They’re focused on it. And guess what is being carved out in their life?

A healing ministry! Whatever you focus on you will empower. If you need financial, uh, release in your life. If you focus on God’s provisional, um, uh, promises, that focus will create a realm. You know? If you want love? Like right now love, learning to love is my focus. And so in everything I do I’m trying to learn to love God and love others and lay hold of Him. And I’m finding the realm is enlarging. It’s increasing. And, and it’s easier to love in the most difficult situations. Situations in where years ago I would have never have been able to love.

But now I can very easily because of the focus to carve out that realm. So I want to encourage you as God’s people to take hold of the keys that are in the scripture. To create a world that is beautiful with intentionality. If there’s anything in your life right now that doesn’t line up with God’s best for you, you can partner with Him to change it. You can change the atmosphere of the city you lived in. We’ve changed atmospheres in like Thailand and Cambodia. With anti-trafficking. Do you know that we took that one mandate.

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